Minas Marios Kontis

Univation Founder & CEO

is reshaping educational entrepreneurship globally, impacting Universities across the world and inspiring thousands of Students.

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Minas Marios began his innovation journey at 12 by creating a popular application for Thessaloniki Buses with 100,000 downloads, followed by developing a robust robotic machine, at 13. He founded Univation in university, which grew into a key platform for student entrepreneurs globally.

Univation now influences over 40 universities across Europe, America, and Australia, supporting 35,000+ students. A significant milestone was reached in 2023 with the launch of its Online Platform, now a crucial SaaS tool used by Incubators, Accelerators, and VCs worldwide. The platform's adoption by major initiatives like Google for Startups and Harvard's entrepreneurship programs underscores its impact and success.

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